Sunday, January 30, 2011

not saying should

I know I should
live in the moment
but at Arcadia
we had a policy
of not saying "should"

so I won't
say should

and instead
for a moment
I will indulge
and reminisce

hello massawepie
hello arcadians
how I miss you

crumbs and ground

I have started my quest
to find 7 bands
I love

with the help of Emily
and gogoyoko
I have fallen in love with
Icelandic melodies

thank you
for the soothing, grounding

to get me through my

Friday, January 21, 2011

heading out!

I'm leaving for school tomorrow!!! FINALLY!
in preparation, I've compiled a list of 25 things I want to do this semester to keep my spirit light as the blustery winter winds howl around me. Most of them are things I want to do anyways so it won't be too hard (I hope) to complete them all by May.

1.) Walk to see my friends at the intentional community and have dinner
2.) Go rock climbing on real rocks
3.) sit in on a zen meditation
4.) Decide how I want to cut my hair (bonus: cut my hair!)
5.) Go to Eben Holden at night and play piano. Bring my roommate!
6.) Play sardines with a group of 7 or more
7.) Do yoga in an outrageous outfit
8.) meet someone from the community
9.) volunteer at nysarc
10.) Get through all of rose's episodes (2 seasons, Doctor Who)
11.) Find an epic climbing tree on campus
12.) Go to three meetings of three new groups (or pick a whole bunch=9)
13.) Go to the gym and chase the dragon!
14.) Have a date in the snow with friends (snow ball fight, angels or snowmen)
15.) Take a gander down the avenue of the elms
16.) Talk to Kaitlin on Skype!
17.) Go on a real date >> sneak attack hold hands
18.) Spend a night at the lean-to when it's ~40 degrees
19.) Make a map of all the places I've peed on campus
20.) Travel through every hallway on campus
21.) Meditate in the zen garden on the first nice spring day, once all the snow melts. Chase the squirrels away, maybe read some Gary Snyder
22.) Find 7 new bands that I LOVE (at least 7 songs of each band)
23.) visit the sustainable landscape
24.) Write a song>> perform it in front of at least 3 people. (Bonus: open mic)
25.) Send a message in a bottle

For the most part, this list is composed of things that will make me gather my friends together for mini-adventures!
However, I first made this list on January 5th and I've discovered that I've already completed #10 and #16 (i.e. get through rose's episodes and skype with Kaitlin). Because of this, I've decided to replace them with new objectives since the list was supposed to be specifically for spring semester:

10.) Finish my canoe paddle at Everett's

16.) Visit Arcadia/Michael's (since I don't have a vehicle, it will be hard to be choosy. This may not happen if my friend's with cars don't want to drive all the way there. still, I hope it happens, so I'll put it on there)

and kaitlin, just because I've taken you off the list doesn't mean I won't skype you! I'll be skyping you all the time! #16 was just too easy!

I have no idea if I'll be able to complete all of these things, but I'll sure as hell try my best!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


what a life i lead when the sun breaks free
as a giant torn from the clouds
what a life indeed when that ancient seed
is a berry watered and plowed

Sun Giant
Fleet Foxes

Friday, January 7, 2011

the parting of ways

I'm waiting for the rest of the video to load, knowing fully that in a matter of a half an hour, there will be a new Doctor in my life.
Is it horrible to say that I'm excited? I didn't mind Christopher Eccleston but I am really excited to be reunited with David Tennant. Who wouldn't be?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

stir crazy

I am ready
ready to let the road beneath my feet
