Friday, April 30, 2010

I must remember

I must remember that I do not have to settle:
I do not have to accept the world and all of its injustices.
I do not have to be complacent or tolerant.
I can and should and shall fight for a world in which equality truly is equality and vitality, vitality!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

too much

No one knows you, till is over
No one wants to, till is over

It's as though I'm too young
It's as though I'm too... young

My lips are pale blue
My shivering half-moon
My last night's lost tune
It's the end of the end of the end

We're sinking friendships
We drown more and more

Sinking Friendships


So you trade for liquor for blood,
In an attempt to tip the scales.
I think you lost what you loved
In that mess of details

They seemed so important at the time
Now you can’t even recall
Any names, faces, or lines;
It’s more the feeling of it all

An Attempt to Tip the Scales
Bright Eyes

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


So I'm just the medicine
you take when you're sick
you get well and that's it
I'm put back on the shelf in your mirror

And it isn't exceptional
The course of our fate
so, people love and they hate
and I guess it's just our turn to hate

And you think I'm an asshole now
well, you're probably right
but at least I'm not blind to the facts
I've been wishing were lies

I've been eating for you
Bright Eyes

Monday, April 19, 2010

the softest place

I want to curl up in a soft, soft place
and ne'er come out.

the softest, softest place.

so swaddle me, cuddle me, caress
embrace me with all that you have

here I'll stay
ne'er to wake--
to forever dream

until I sprout wings

and when I do (for I shall one day!):
deck me in shades of purple! yellow! green!
clad me in colors I have never seen
let me become the woman I've always longed to be

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Today was supposed to be the day
Molecules decide to change their form
Laws of physics lose their sway
Youthful indiscretion now is suddenly the norm
With the good kids sprouting horns,
And today was supposed to be

Not just another day

Opposite Day
Andrew Bird

Saturday, April 17, 2010

silent musings

Yesterday was the Day of Silence, meant to bring attention to the anti-LGBT name calling, bullying etc. that happens in schools. I participated, as did one of my college friends. We spent the day together, silently studying in the library, eating lunch and dinner and walking about campus. While it may seem like this would be an awkward and uncomfortable way to spend the day, I was actually the happiest I've been all week.

I found it really refreshing to not speak all day, to be immersed in my thoughts all day. Too often, I rush through my day, not taking any time to just sit back and wonder. And it was lovely to just walk beside someone, without feeling obligated to keep the conversation going. As we walked across campus, I observed so many things around me that I wouldn't have even noticed had I been having a conversation: the scurrying of the squirrels, the joyful daffodils, the papery bark of the birch. Though it is easy enough to experience and notice these things while walking by oneself, I feel silently experiencing and sharing these things with someone else is one of the most wonderful things in the world.

Later, as we sat in the library, I found myself daydreaming about astronauts, Plato's Cave, faith and scientism, whether medicinal advance truly improved our lives: anything that crossed my mind. Though it would have been nice to have a conversation about these things with someone else, it was nice to simply collect my own thoughts and not be influenced by those who speak first and think after.

Perhaps I embraced the silence for the wrong reason: the silence was supposed to a symbol for the silence that overwhelms the LGBT community. While the silence that chokes the LGBT community is deathly and harmful, the silence I discovered yesterday was beautiful, life-changing. I can't wait for the day when we have no need to protest anymore, when the world is at peace and we can all experience the soul-stirring silence I caught a glimpse of yesterday.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

run free... into the wild

We all grow old, use your life
The world goes and flutters by
Use your life, you'll know you are
Use your life, the world goes and flutters by
Use your life, you'll know you are

Electricity wires are down
Rainbow colours fade into brown
I dreamt you were smiling, shifting for good
Courageous boy, now you are gone
and run past the years, no place to go
Your spirit is grand, so life goes on
You are
You are

Boy Lilikoi

Monday, April 12, 2010


hello world, I have missed you

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

spontaneous psychoticness

Tonight in choir practice, we were singing a hugely emotional song called "Calling My Children Home." Every time I sing it, I get very emotional and feel very protective... of children I don't even have. My choir director, not knowing this, was imploring the group to think about the words of the song and to try to fathom what it means to be willing to give up your life for your child. In one final effort to convey his point, he said seriously:

"This is LIFE we're singing about!" and at these words......

DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Da DAAAAAAAAAAAAA da da da da dAAAAAAAAAAA (da da! da da! da da! da da! da da da)

Now, I don't know if you quite understand how unfortunate it was to be in head at this moment in time. See, at this moment, the intro to "Dancing Queen" popped into my head, along with an image of a pink and orange animated flower erupting from the marble floor. It was sort of like the Lion King’s “I can’t wait to be King” scene in spirit and excitement level! (“ahh, now I understand,” you say. Exactly.)

Unfortunately, my choir director had no idea what was currently going on in my brain… so he had no clue as to why I would be smiling so dreamily when he had so recently implored us to think about dying…

If only he knew what was really going on in my mind!

I am so thankful I did not have to explain my unusual behavior because while it is easy enough to describe, it is not an easy task to examine why the first image that pops into my head at the mention of "life" is a colorful, swaying animated flower, growing rapidly to the tune of Dancing Queen!

hello darkness

where are you going?

(i'm still here)

big echo

I made an excuse
and you found another way to tell the truth
I put no one else above us
We'll still be best friends when all turns to dust

the morning benders

Sunday, April 4, 2010

I am alive, I am alive,
and that is the best that I can do.
You go near your light,
I swore you were mine.
I'd take you back a thousand times.

tonight we'll drink to an early grave,
we'll laugh but we will not be saved,
someone has dressed us all like clowns.

dress me like a clown
margot and the nuclear so and so's

Saturday, April 3, 2010

breathe deeply

and dream