Sunday, March 27, 2011

in which I almost missed an epic speech but was saved with a little help from my friends

This past Thursday, Bill McKibben, one of the most important environmental writers of our era, came to our school to speak about global climate change and what we can do about it.
I'm not going to write about that because no one reads my blog so it would be a waste of my finger wigglings.

Instead, I will tell you about the adventures that happened beforehand!
Because we got there so early so that we could have good seats, we had lots of time to spare. Chris, Matthew, Emily and I decided to frolic around in the cold spring air for a bit. Emily did some wonderful handstands because she's a crazy gymnastic person but the rest of us took to the trees and climbed up into their welcoming branches.
(So that means that number 11 from my checklist (find a climbing tree on campus) is complete!)
Unfortunately for me, I must have inherited some cat instinct (from where, I don't know) but I'm one of those people who can climb up things... and then can't get down. I'm have troubles gauging how high off the ground I am and get frightened about jumping down. Needless to say, I was only about 5 to 6 feet off the ground but was nonetheless stuck in the nook of the tree thinking "oh god (I'm stuck) oh man, oh god, oh man" like that really awful actor.
That is, until Emily and Chris assured me that I was barely off the ground and could totally do it. Thank goodness for my friends or I would have totally missed Bill McKibben's speech!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

it's time for

well it was certainly time for a change....

and so I cut my hair! wabam! goodbye split ends, and number 4 from my to-do list!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

yes, spring is coming!

it's a mystery
where you'll find me
where you'll find

all is love

karen o and the kids
all is love

Monday, March 7, 2011

left behind

well we all change in our own ways
in our own pretty ways

it all comes down to this
i'm the ocean
you're the rain

our own pretty ways
first aid kit

Saturday, March 5, 2011

and it's too hard to focus
through all this doubt
i keep making these to-do lists
but nothing gets crossed out

nothing gets crossed out
bright eyes

Friday, March 4, 2011

the checklist

15.) Take a gander down the Avenue of the Elms
This is exactly what I did on Tuesday after I had Ecology! I took met up with Emily, put my snow boots on and set off to enjoy the sunshiney day! It was an interesting walk because while the snow was most packed, occasionally one foot would catch you by surprise and sink down into the snowy depths of the field. It was a very pleasant walk, full of conversation about goats, chickens, plastic water bottles, next fall/spring, and riding. We traveled all the way down the avenue of the elms (which aren't all elms, the little liars) to the road with the horse barn on it. (This is why we were talking about riding.) We wanted to visit the barn but thought it might be weird to drop in when we didn't know anyone so we just traveled back the way we came.

Exciting discoveries: We found some splendid fungi growing on one of the trees like a mini staircase that had really a intricate underside. Emily and I also found some excellent dead burdocks that I took with me to put in my dead flowers/weeds/fern arrangement. It's pretty, I swear!
Emily and I also found a huge puddle that had iced over into a rather large "skating rink" so we had a blast skating around in our boots on the slippery surface. Wish I had gone ice skating for real this semester!