Sunday, March 27, 2011

in which I almost missed an epic speech but was saved with a little help from my friends

This past Thursday, Bill McKibben, one of the most important environmental writers of our era, came to our school to speak about global climate change and what we can do about it.
I'm not going to write about that because no one reads my blog so it would be a waste of my finger wigglings.

Instead, I will tell you about the adventures that happened beforehand!
Because we got there so early so that we could have good seats, we had lots of time to spare. Chris, Matthew, Emily and I decided to frolic around in the cold spring air for a bit. Emily did some wonderful handstands because she's a crazy gymnastic person but the rest of us took to the trees and climbed up into their welcoming branches.
(So that means that number 11 from my checklist (find a climbing tree on campus) is complete!)
Unfortunately for me, I must have inherited some cat instinct (from where, I don't know) but I'm one of those people who can climb up things... and then can't get down. I'm have troubles gauging how high off the ground I am and get frightened about jumping down. Needless to say, I was only about 5 to 6 feet off the ground but was nonetheless stuck in the nook of the tree thinking "oh god (I'm stuck) oh man, oh god, oh man" like that really awful actor.
That is, until Emily and Chris assured me that I was barely off the ground and could totally do it. Thank goodness for my friends or I would have totally missed Bill McKibben's speech!

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