Saturday, January 23, 2010

Lifting the Veil

Throughout my life, I've always considered myself to be one of the more thoughtful people on this earth. But increasingly, I've realized: I have thought considerably little in my lifetime. I don't know if it was the way I was raised or if it's simply my personality, but I hardly ever question anything, am very gullible and impressionable. I read passively without comprehending, listen but rarely form or voice opinions, and act, unconscious of my true impact on my environment.

Perhaps it's my natural tendancy to want everything to be hunky-dory, for everyone to get along and to appreciate nature. Ignorance truly is bliss and sometimes I knowingly live in ignorance just for the sake of simplicity. I hate conflict and arguing... my! what a predicament I'm in! How can I ever learn to think critically if I have an aversion to dispute?

Slowly, my time at college has helped me lift this veil of oblivity (yes, I make up words, work with me here!): I have started to question things, as I never have before. It has instilled a curiousity within me and frankly, I'm relieved. It's rather frightening to suddenly realize you've been a mindless sponge your entire life, observing and believing that the ways of the world are unchangeable.

So here starts my quest, a quest for truth. What do I want to change most in this world? And where do I start?

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