Sunday, February 27, 2011

grasping for the memory

Sparrow, sing to me
the song I heard last spring
it's the melody I can't retrieve
no matter how I try
it seems that song has left this place



Through the forest
down to your grave
where the birds sing
and the tall grasses wave
They do not
know you anymore

tiger mountain peasant song
fleet foxes

one of those days

Hullaballabaluu say kings of every land
Hullaballabaluu say him and me and you
Hullaballabaluu say birds of every land
Hullaballabaluu say them and him and me and you

in these words we drown


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Orion and a deadline

It's four in the morning
and I'm in the company of Orion and a deadline...
but they're not what I'm missing.

Venus is not yet on the rise,
and the ghosts aren't stirring on the lake
What's even the point of waking up?

Monday, February 21, 2011

late night piano jamming

5.) Go to Eben Holden at night and play piano. Bring Amanda

this was my mission, and I completed it Saturday night! Eben Holden is an old dining hall building on our campus that is usually locked at night. Fortunately, Amanda and I are fantastic at picking locks (just kidding, we're just resourceful) and so we got in regardless of the locked doors. The building was pitch dark but with the help of my headlamp, we found the light switches and let the building be illuminated! Then we scurried downstairs to the kitchen portion where there is an out of tune piano in a corner.

I played Tracce by Ludovico Einaudi and part of the Moonlight Sonata (the only two songs I can remember). Amanda played Nefeli (again, by Ludovico; we love him) and showed me the rest of Moonlight Sonata, which I promptly forgot (she's a fabulous pianist, whereas I am NOT). After a couple of songs and dancing around, we decided that we had had enough, and so we made our journey back to our dorm, vowing to explore the basement. Unfortunately, it wasn't very interesting because most of the doors were locked. (Why didn't Amanda and I just break into them like we did with Eben Holden? I could claim we had no interest, but really, we just have no skills.)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

a sauntering supper

I'll have you know that indeed, I have completed one of the objectives from my list of 25 things to do this semester! hey hey number 17, you're off the tally list now! but I wouldn't mind in the least to complete you again :)

Friday, February 18, 2011

the little brain that could

i just might make it
i just might make it
i just might make it

that is
if my brain
doesn't fall out of
my skull in the next hour...

wake up

Dear Prudence
open up your eyes

Dear Prudence
see the sunny skies

The wind is low
the birds will sing
that you are part of everything

Dear Prudence
won't you open up your eyes?

dear prudence
the beatles

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

new world, new ways

now we're back to the beginning
it's just a feeling and no one knows yet
just because they can't feel it too
doesn't mean that you have to forget

let your memories grow stronger and stronger
til they're before your eyes

they'll come back when you call them
no need to say goodbye

they'll come back...
no need to start to cry

the call
regina spektor

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

keep pushin'

I'm still angry with no reason to be
At the architect who imagines
For the every man, blessed Sisyphus
Slipping steadily into madness, now that's the only place to be free
But here it come, that heavy love
You're never gonna move it alone

Shell Games
Bright Eyes

happy birthday conor

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

might as well

Blue eyes, they change like the weather
Blue sea, blue sky, blue pain
I wouldn't trust my own blue-eyed reflection
As far as I could throw that mirror
But these are just silly eye-colour generalizations

You shouldn't believe a word I've said

'Cause when you're lying in your bed
Darkness 'round your head
Your eyes might as well be polka-dotted or plaid
Polka-dotted or plaid

Silly Eye-Colour Generalizations
Regina Spektor

Saturday, February 5, 2011

checkin' 'em off!

without really meaning to, I've already completed 2 things on my list of 25!

13.) Snow date with friends!
On Thursday, after getting back from a delightful snowshoe through the woods, my roommate and I decided to frolic across campus in the snow. We bundled up in snow pants, hats and scarves on a mission to make as many snow angels across campus as we could.
And so we charged across campus, pausing every once in a while to throw ourselves into snow banks to make an angel. Pretty soon, we found some icicles which we brandished like swords as we galloped around in the snow. We took some time as well to scuff "HI!" in huge letters into a snowy field. Everyone probably thought we were crazy but we were having the time of our lives!

14.) go to the gym and chase the dragons!
At my school, there are stationary bicycles in the gym that have tv's hooked up to the bike. If you want, you can play a racing game on different courses and such and supposedly also chase dragons. I had played the racing game before but had never been able to find the dragon game, which, let's face it, sounds WAY cooler.
On Friday while I was at the gym, Emily found the dragon game and showed me how to play it. Basically, you just ride around this world until you find a coin. If it's a green coin, you have to catch a green dragon, blue/blue, red/red, silver/silver. The green dragons are the easiest to catch because they're not that far away and unlike the red and silver dragons, aren't on top of hills. The blue dragons are a bit tricky to catch because they like to hang out right next to water. I found out the hard way that if you go in the water, you get a pretty hefty point reduction.
It's a pretty fun game and I'll probably play it again today when I go back to the gym but to be honest, it's not quite as awesome as I had hoped. I was hoping that there would be chances to change worlds or get rewards etc for getting so many points.

silence together

a, b, c, d
Can I bring my friend to tea?
e, f, g, h, i, j
I love you

lyrics All Together Now
image via slowbicylces