Saturday, February 5, 2011

checkin' 'em off!

without really meaning to, I've already completed 2 things on my list of 25!

13.) Snow date with friends!
On Thursday, after getting back from a delightful snowshoe through the woods, my roommate and I decided to frolic across campus in the snow. We bundled up in snow pants, hats and scarves on a mission to make as many snow angels across campus as we could.
And so we charged across campus, pausing every once in a while to throw ourselves into snow banks to make an angel. Pretty soon, we found some icicles which we brandished like swords as we galloped around in the snow. We took some time as well to scuff "HI!" in huge letters into a snowy field. Everyone probably thought we were crazy but we were having the time of our lives!

14.) go to the gym and chase the dragons!
At my school, there are stationary bicycles in the gym that have tv's hooked up to the bike. If you want, you can play a racing game on different courses and such and supposedly also chase dragons. I had played the racing game before but had never been able to find the dragon game, which, let's face it, sounds WAY cooler.
On Friday while I was at the gym, Emily found the dragon game and showed me how to play it. Basically, you just ride around this world until you find a coin. If it's a green coin, you have to catch a green dragon, blue/blue, red/red, silver/silver. The green dragons are the easiest to catch because they're not that far away and unlike the red and silver dragons, aren't on top of hills. The blue dragons are a bit tricky to catch because they like to hang out right next to water. I found out the hard way that if you go in the water, you get a pretty hefty point reduction.
It's a pretty fun game and I'll probably play it again today when I go back to the gym but to be honest, it's not quite as awesome as I had hoped. I was hoping that there would be chances to change worlds or get rewards etc for getting so many points.

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