Monday, February 21, 2011

late night piano jamming

5.) Go to Eben Holden at night and play piano. Bring Amanda

this was my mission, and I completed it Saturday night! Eben Holden is an old dining hall building on our campus that is usually locked at night. Fortunately, Amanda and I are fantastic at picking locks (just kidding, we're just resourceful) and so we got in regardless of the locked doors. The building was pitch dark but with the help of my headlamp, we found the light switches and let the building be illuminated! Then we scurried downstairs to the kitchen portion where there is an out of tune piano in a corner.

I played Tracce by Ludovico Einaudi and part of the Moonlight Sonata (the only two songs I can remember). Amanda played Nefeli (again, by Ludovico; we love him) and showed me the rest of Moonlight Sonata, which I promptly forgot (she's a fabulous pianist, whereas I am NOT). After a couple of songs and dancing around, we decided that we had had enough, and so we made our journey back to our dorm, vowing to explore the basement. Unfortunately, it wasn't very interesting because most of the doors were locked. (Why didn't Amanda and I just break into them like we did with Eben Holden? I could claim we had no interest, but really, we just have no skills.)

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