Thursday, June 3, 2010

congratulations! (note to myself)

1.You were smart once
2. You are now a lump of mush now. Useless mushy mess. Messy mush. mussy mesh.
3. Watch out for the quicksa-- oh, too late
4. oh look, you're playing therapist again. you listen well.
5. where is your independence? just because it's not the fourth doesn't mean things have changed: you are free from the mother land! don't you remember?
6. pull yourself together
7. there you go, damn straight! straight to hell.
7.5 wowie, that was a stupid move. remember, you're the one with the shovel. digging your own grave.

grave of FREEDOM. remember that! in death there is life! new life! BETTER LIFE.

8. what is my life?
9. what IS life?
10. too many philosophical questions, my cue for bed time.
11. in the morning, I shall be whole and sane. of that, I will be grateful.

12. in the morning, I'll remember what true love is.

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