Monday, June 7, 2010

note to the brain sister

1. I'm thirsty.
2. thanks for the tough love, though I seem to be getting more of my fair share lately. :)
3. teach me photography things in exchange for music theory lessons... my camera hates me.
4. renaming people names like "poopilus" is fun. hey, it's 4 in the morning: what else should I be doing?
5. evaluation is key. I don't want to be one of those people that blunders through their life convinced that everything that went wrong was caused by others. I need to take some time to figure out who I think I am, who I actually am, what I believe, and what I want to become. it's gonna be a long process. but who knows, maybe I'll give up
6. pessimism is my security blanket. it helps shield me from the harsh, cruel world of reality.
6.5 don't worry, I'm actually an extremely optimistic and hopeful person. even the most convincing pessimists are.*
7. I'm hungry.
8. I wallow, I jiggle, I sit on a pickle. I yawn, I creep, I sit on a leaf. I know what I'm doing, yo :)
9. thanks for the lovetidbits.
10. I listened to the neutral milk hotel's cd all the way through today. I have no idea why I never did before.

*this is an ancient secret. now that you know, you must loan me your kidney in repayment. don't worry, I'll give it back because I have no need for a kidney.

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